Does it snow in Japan? Here’s what you need to know! 2023

Does it snow in Japan

Does it snow in Japan? If you’re coming to Japan for the first time or the fiftieth time, you might be wondering if it snows there. You may already be aware that it snows in Tokyo, but you may be unaware that there are other parts of Japan where it never snows! Is it snowing … Read more

Does it snow in Arizona 2023 Updates

does it snow in arizona

Does it snow in Arizona Introduction Arizona isn’t one of the most popular states in the country for winter vacationers. Many people associate it with hot summers and dry heat, but it does get snow! Snowfall is fairly common here, especially at high elevations. A few areas have recorded more than 200 inches of snowfall … Read more

Does It Snow in California? 2023 UPDATES

Does It Snow in California

Does It Snow in California Most of us ask if it ever snows in California, and the quick answer is yes! Although the state’s coastal sections receive significantly less snow than its mountainous parts, snow does occasionally fall on the beaches. Continue reading to find more about how frequently it snows in California, how much … Read more

Does it Snow in Seattle? A Seattleite’s Perspective.

does it snow in seattle

Does it snow in Seattle? We in the Pacific Northwest are used to a lot of rain, but does it ever snow in Seattle? The quick answer is yes, although it is uncommon, occurring just once or twice every winter. If you’re planning a trip to Seattle and want to know if you’ll need your … Read more