AMAZING Secret Places in Indiana (only locals know)

Secret Indiana is a great place to visit for vacation and picnic spot but you will be amazed after knowing some of the secret places in Indiana that locals have suggested me to visit while I was in Indiana for a short trip.

Also, I have found an amazing abandoned place while I was in search of some hidden gems in Indiana and trust this just blown my mind that how would these places have not been on the internet.

There are too many outdoor places that you can visit and it well worth it but if you want to make your trip complete then only go for these adventurous places.

And literally, the best thing about Indiana is the local people who helped me a lot to find the places because some of the places are a little tough to reach because of the roads.

But once you reach it is the best thing you did in Indiana and even if you are a local and reading this blog it can be shocking for you to know that these places also exist.

Here is the list of the secret places in Indiana

1, Monroe Allison House

This house has a unique architecture and it is also known as a gingerbread house because of a different kind of architecture.

This house is pink in colour but the colour is a little bit dull because of the big plants which cover the wall of this building. It has 9 rooms in it and all the rooms have some unique things such as wall and paintings.

It was built in the 1870s and it has survived so many years but now it is weak and there are some renovations which are happening in this place but it won’t bother you it is a great abandoned place to visit.

2, The Zoom Flume

This place is now a graffiti haunt but once it was a waterpark and it was used as a slide in the 1970s and 1980s but now this place is abandoned and nobody goes to this place.

Also this place in between a forest and when I went to this place I was blown away to see this beautiful slide covered with colourful graffiti between the forest and trust me I was just clicking too many photos with the graffiti and now my Instagram is colourful.

3, Sunken Garden

This garden is too beautiful and the best place in Indiana to relax with your family but doesn’t know why this beautiful place is every time empty and local people say that.

This place looks like a set of a film. It is a very clean and tidy place to visit and as my hotel was near this garden it was my everyday spot for meditation.

This place is very silent but locals say that before in olden time this place was not soo good and clean in recent years this place is purchased by someone and cleaned to make this a tourist spot.

4, Bluespring Cavern

Places like this is a natural gift to us.

It is the longest underground river in the US. This unique place was discovered in the year 1940s and the other side of this place is bugs and small insects which you can see inside the cave.

This place was becoming dirtier and dirtier but now some of the organisation is taking care of this place and now it is worth visiting you will also see some rare fish breed inside the cave.

5, Jug Rock

This is the rarest rock I have ever seen because of its unique shape and I have seen many unique shaped rocks but this rock is very huge.

It is in the middle of the forest and there is no river near this rock and because of that, it is very hard to explain that how this rock shape is formed.

But in the end, I just want to mention that this place is very rare and literally no one knows about this place except the locals and you should definitely visit this place.

So these are some of the best secret places to visit in Indiana and if you have any queries related to the post or the places you can contact us

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